3.8 Socioeconomics
Under NEPA "economic" and "social" effects are environmental consequences to be examined (40 C.F.R.
1502.16 and 40 C.F.R. 1508.8). Under CEQA, the focus of an EIR is primarily on potential changes
to the "physical conditions" which includes land, air, water, flora, fauna, population, housing, noise, and
objects of historic or aesthetic significance (Cal. Pub. Res. Code 21060.5; Cal. Code Regs. Title 14
15358(b) and 15382). The proposed action would place sand on existing beaches where there are no
structures, except lifeguard towers, and there would be no physical changes to population or housing.
Inadditionto examining potential social and economic impacts to local and regional populations as a whole,
any NEPA document must consider the potential for disproportionate environmental impacts to minority
or low-income populations, as well as potential disproportionate environmental health and safety risks to
children, in order to comply with relevant federal Executive Orders. Those analyses are contained in
Sections 6.6 and 6.7 of this EIR/EA, but the supporting demographic information on population, ethnicity
and income is provided in this section.
The primary social and economic related focus of the proposed project, as stated in the Purpose and Need
of this EIR/EA (Section 1.2), is straightforward. The placement of sand at these public beaches is intended
to enhance a valuable public resource that serves local residents in a number of ways. These include
enhancing recreationalopportunities at the receiver sites and bolstering the beaches as an important element
of San Diego's attraction as a tourist destination, thereby providing benefits to the entire regional economy.
In addition to local and regional demographic and income information, this section presents information on
commercial fisheries, the local social and economic sector most likely to adversely impacted by the
proposed project. During the NOP process, the California Lobster and Trap Fishermen's Association,
the Sea Urchin Harvesters' Association, California, and the Urchin Procedures Marketing Association
raised several concerns regarding sand placement and potential impacts to these commercial fishing
resources. As part of this EIR/EA process, these groups were contacted for further input. Refer to
Chapter 7.0 for a summary of the coordination and consultation efforts with these groups.
This section contains census data regarding population and income in subsection 3.8.1. Commercial
fisheries and the relative economic value of various species are discussed in subsection 3.8.2. Kelp
harvesting value is addressed in subsection 3.8.3 followed by recreational fishing and diving value in
subsection 3.8.4.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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