3.2 Coastal Wetlands
Tijuana Estuary
The Tijuana Estuary is just southeast of the proposed Imperial Beach receiver site. The 2,119-acre Tijuana
Estuaryincludes open water, marsh, dune, coastal scrub and chaparral, riparian, tidal and nontidalestuarine
flats, and ruderal and disturbed habitats. It has one of the few remaining dune habitats in San Diego
County. The dune habitat occurs just south of the proposed receiver site and separates the coastal
shoreline from the wetland habitat. Normally the estuary is open to tidal flushing. Tijuana Estuary is unique
in that it is entirely in California, but three-fourths of its watershed are in Mexico. The estuary is part of the
Pacific Flyway, and supports the most diverse assemblage of birds found within this region. The
endangered Belding's savannah sparrow, California least tern, light-footed clapper rail, and western snowy
plover nest and forage within the wetland.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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