2.0 Alternatives Considered
The lobster season generally runs from mid-October through mid-March. At the close of the season, all
legal lobster traps would be removed and there would be no need for continued monitoring for lobster
traps. There is still some trapping effort associated with the crab fishery, which has no seasonal restriction,
but the number of crab traps would be many times less than lobster. Accordingly, the coordination effort
during non-lobster season could be reduced.
Coordination With Resource Agencies
Based on comments received on the Draft EIR/EA from the resource agencies, and the SEC
recommendation to schedule project construction in Spring 2001, SANDAG has initiated Section 7
consultation under the Endangered Species Act. Consultation will continue after certification of the EIR
and selection of an alternative, to negotiate specific details for project construction that results in "no may
effect" to the California least tern and the western snowy plover, two bird species federally-listed as
endangered and threatened, respectively. Possible design elements consist of scheduling sensitive receiver
sites prior to, or early in, the nesting season, identifying construction processes to reduce turbidity, and
instituting predator control. SANDAG is committed to continued coordination with the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (USFWS) to identify and institute appropriate measures to avoid significant impacts to
either bird species.
Alternative 2
Alternative 2 would involve sand replenishment at nine receiver sites, all but one of which would be
associated with Alternative 1. The same six borrow sites would provide the material for replenishment and
the dredging and discharge plan would be the same, except where some receiver sites would be eliminated.
The receiver sites and borrow sites are described below for Alternative 2a followed by the description of
Alternative 2b.
Alternative 2a
Receiver Sites
Alternative 2 would have eight receiver sites common to Alternative 1 and one new site (South Carlsbad
South) for a total of nine. In three of the sites, the quantity and location of replenishment would be identical
to Alternative 1, and they would be built to the same specifications (e.g., height, slope). Five of the sites
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Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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