2.0 Alternatives Considered
sites would be subject to local noise ordinances and provides a comparison of the schedule and production
capability under either construction variation. As shown, the overall quantity of sand would be 1.3 million
cy under Alternative 1b versus 2 million cubic yards under Alternative 1a.
Construction Methods/Design Features to Avoid Impacts
The information is provided to provide a clear understanding of how sand would be dredged, delivered to
the receiver site, and then manipulated to be suitable for public use. It also identifies the design
features/specific methods to be incorporated into final design or the contractor's specifications to avoid
potential impacts.
Construction would consist of:
Dredging the offshore borrow sites with either a cutterhead suction dredge or hopper dredge;
Pumping sand through floating/submerged discharge lines to the beach and through discharge lines
placed along the higher portions of the beach to the receiver sites (use of booster pumps as
Discharging the sand at the appropriate receiving beach within training dikes; and
Redistributing the sand as needed with earthmoving equipment, such as scrapers, and grading the
beach fills to required dimensions with bulldozers.
Dredging Operations
Beach replenishment operations would include the use of dredge vessels which would dredge sediment
from the offshore borrow sites and transfer the sediment to the proposed receiver sites. The contractors
may use one of two types of dredge vessels, a hopper dredge or a cutterhead suction dredge and both are
described below. Regardless of the dredge type, the Coast Guard would post a Notice to mariners with
the coordinates of dredging activity so that ocean users can avoid the activity.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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