2.0 Alternatives Considered
Beach replenishment at Batiquitos would involve the placement of dredged sediment from a point
approximately 850 feet southofthe Batiquitos Lagoon, into the community of Leucadia and Leucadia State
Beach, a distance of approximately 1,390 feet (0.3 mile). The northern part of the site is known as
"Ponto." A berm would be constructed to an elevation of approximately 12 feet above MLLW and would
have a width of approximately 110 feet (Figure 2-6). The beach fill would then slope seaward
approximately 375 feet at a slope of 20:1.
The Leucadia beach fill plan would include creation of a berm of approximately 12 feet above MLLW,
extending seaward approximately 70 feet (Figure 2-7). The top of the beach fill would be flat. The berm
would then slope seaward approximately 125 feet at a slope of 10:1. The proposed receiver site at the
Leucadia site extends approximately 2,700 feet (0.5 mile) from just south of the Grandview access stairs
to Glacus Street.
The Moonlight Beachreceiver site's berm would be constructed to a height of approximately 12 feet above
MLLW. The beach fill would be relatively flat and would extend seaward approximately 130 feet seaward
and would then slope seaward at a slope of 20:1. Toward the north, the slope would extend approximately
150 feet, while at the southern part of the berm, the slope would extend approximately 250 feet. The
proposed receiver site would be approximately 770 feet (0.1 mile) long (Figure 2-8).
Beach replenishment at the Cardiff site (Figure 2-9) would consist of the placement of dredged sediment
along 780 feet (0.1 mile) of Cardiff State Beach south of the San Elijo Lagoon inlet and Restaurant Row.
A berm would be constructed at this location to an elevation of approximately 12 feet above MLLW. The
berm would be flat and extend seaward approximately 115 feet. The beach fill would then slope seaward
approximately 350 feet at a slope of 20:1.
Beach replenishment at the Solana Beach site would consist of the placement of dredged sediment along
approximately 1,800 feet (0.3 mile) of the beach (Figure 2-10). The northern boundary of the proposed
fill site starts just south of Fletcher Cove and extends southward. A berm would be constructed at this
location to an elevation of approximately 12 feet above MLLW. The berm would be flat and extend
seaward approximately 100 feet. The beach fill would then slope seaward approximately 135 feet at a
slope of 10:1.
The berm at Del Mar's receiver site would be built to a height of approximately 11 feet above MLLW and
would extend seaward approximately 170 feet (Figure 2-11). The beach fill would then slope seaward
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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