2.0 Alternatives Considered
using bulldozers and training dikes are constructed around the berms help to reduce turbidity. The sand
is spread using bulldozers and up to 12 crew persons. The construction scenario is described in further
detail below, following the detailed description of receiver sites and borrow sites.
For each receiver site, berm construction may be adjusted during fill placement depending on actual field
conditions. The measurements indicated for the width of each berm are the initial post-placement widths.
The berms would be immediately subject to the forces of the waves and weather once constructed, and
would most likely reduce in size.
Under Alternative 1a, implementation of the proposed action would occur around the clock, on a
7-day/24-hour basis. The longer construction hours would result in more efficient construction and greater
production rates, and would allow for more sand to be placed on some of the receiver sites (refer to Table
2-2). These construction hours would necessitate a noise variance from several jurisdictions
(i.e., Oceanside, Solana Beach, Del Mar, San Diego, and Imperial Beach).
Beach replenishment at South Oceanside would involve onshore placement of sand from just south of
Forster Street to Kelly Street for a total length of approximately 4,100 feet (0.8 mile), as shown in Figure
2-3. Dredged sediment would be placed on the existing sand beach and graded to form a berm. The top
of the berm would be constructed to an elevation of approximately 13 feet above mean lower low water
(MLLW), and would be flat and 135 feet wide. (MLLW is the average of the lower low water height of
each tidal day observed over time. A positive number indicates elevation above MLLW and a negative
number is below MLLW.) The beach fill would then extend seaward approximately 250 feet at a slope
of 20:1 (horizontal distance:vertical distance).
Beach replenishment at North Carlsbad would involve onshore placement of sand from just south of the
Buena Vista Lagoon to south of Carlsbad Village Drive (Elm Avenue), a distance of approximately 3,000
feet (0.6 mile) (Figure 2-4). Dredged sediment would be placed on the existing sand beach and graded
to form a berm. The top of the berm would be constructed to an elevation of approximately 12 feet above
MLLW and would be flat, with a width of approximately 125 feet. The beach fill would then slope
seaward approximately 150 feet at a slope of 10:1. The site would also have a slope to the east of the
berm at a slope of approximately 5:1 extending 35 feet back to the mean high tide line. The sand
placement, as described in this EIR/EA, would not extend from the existing revetment to the water edge.
However, as disclosed in Section 2.7, during the final design phase, the fill site would be redesigned to
flatten the berm at mid-beach and extend the material to the existing revetment. The footprint analyzed in
this document represents a worst-case evaluation for visual quality for purposes of disclosure.
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Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
99-69\SANDAG EIREA 3.4.wpd 7/17/00