2.0 Alternatives Considered
Preliminary Pipeline Routes
The S0-9 discharge pipeline was originally designed to make landfall at the closest point to the borrow site.
Under this scenario, landfall would have occurred to the north of the Oceanside Harbor, within the
boundaryofthe Unites States Marine Corps Base (MCB) Camp Pendleton. The discharge pipeline would
then have to be submerged underneath the harbor and routed south to the South Oceanside and North
Carlsbad receiver sites. Instead, the landfall location was moved south, which would facilitate sand delivery
without interfering with the harbor or the military base.
Nearshore Fill Placement
Nearshore placement offill was originally discussed at four sites: Oceanside, Del Mar, Mission Beach, and
Imperial Beach. Placing sediment in the nearshore zone would introduce material to the littoral cell, which
would be beneficial, but would not be as beneficial as direct onshore placement. The amount of sand that
would actually occur on the intended receiver sites is unknown and the benefits of nearshore placement are
more uncertain. Also, as only four sites in the entire San Diego region were considered, the project was
not truly "regional" by nature. Because this method of sand replenishment would not have the same
immediate benefits to an intended receiver site, and would not fulfill the regional purpose and need of the
project, it was eliminated from further consideration.
Feeder Beach Replenishment
Under this alternative, sand would be replenished at Oceanside and Carlsbad, and then travel south in the
Oceanside LittoralCell to replenish other north county beaches. Sand would also be placed at the Mission
Beach and Imperial Beach receiver sites to feed their respective littoral cells. In 1996, 2.1 million cy were
placed on Ponto Beach in southern Carlsbad. That action would be similar to this alternative. While this
previous replenishment project did introduce sand to the Oceanside littoral cell and did enhance that
specific location, the regional benefits have be en difficult to quantify. Because the benefits of beach
replenishment at the southern reaches of the Oceanside Littoral Cell would also be difficult to quantify, and
there would not be immediate benefits at specific receiver sites, it is unlikely that this alternative would fulfill
the project's regional objectives or desire to address specific beaches identified by the SEC with critical
erosion problems.
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Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
99-69\SANDAG EIREA 3.4.wpd 7/17/00