2.0 Alternatives Considered
Similar to SO-8, AH-1 is located off of Oc eanside, and would have served the South Oceanside and
North Carlsbad receiver sites. The material to be dredged from AH-1 was found to be too silty and fine
for beach replenishment purposes (Sea Surveyor 1999). Given the suitability of dredge material from SO-
9, AH-1 was dropped from further consideration.
SO-4, located off of Torrey Pines State Reserve/Beach, was originally considered for the source of borrow
material to replenishthe TorreyPines receiver site. Based on grain-size analysis, the material to be dredged
was too fine to match existing sand at the receiver site (Sea Surveyor 1999). Also, SO-4 has only a small
area with only two core samples that were deemed suitable for beach fill, and it therefore could not have
provided the quantity needed for replenishment. The SO-5 borrow site, located to the north off of Del
Mar, would contain enough material for deposition at the Torrey Pines receiver site in addition to the
Solana Beach and Del Mar receiver sites. Therefore, the SO-4 borrow site was eliminated from further
Borrow site SS-2 was also considered for replenishment of the Imperial Beach receiver site. This borrow
site is located off of Imperial Beach, northwest of SS-1. During preliminary examination of the dredge
material from SS-2, approximately 0.7 million cy was found to be suitable for beach replenishment;
however, approximately 1.0 million cy of unsuitable material overlies the suitable sand. As a result,
dredging costs would be prohibitive at this borrow site, and the site was deemed unacceptable for beach
In addition to borrow sites being eliminated, other borrow sites were refined to obtain the best quality of
sediment or to avoid sensitive resources. For instance, after further review of sediment testing results at
SO-9, the dredge area was reduced in size because some of the material would be too fine for beach
replenishment purposes at the South Oceanside and North Carlsbad receiver sites. The preliminary dredge
areas at SO-7 and MB-1 were relocated to avoid direct impacts to artificial reefs created by the California
Department of Fish and Game (see Sections 3.6 and 4.6). Finally, the SS-1 dredge area was revised to
avoid the City of San Diego's ocean outfall.
Further revisions to several borrow site footprints were made in order to avoid, to the maximum extent
possible, areas with a high probability of containing underwater archaeological resources. At SO-9, the
originally proposed footprint was relocated to the east and extended to the north and south. SO-7's dredge
area footprint was reduced. At SO-6, the footprint for dredging was relocated slightly to the east to avoid
a known shipwreck in the vicinity.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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