Executive Summary
scheduled to start in late summer 2000. The schedule has since been modified to spring 2000 based on
the recommendation of the SEC at their May 2000 meeting. The Draft EIR/EA evaluated a possible
construction schedule oflate summer/early fall. Both construction schedules are now addressed in Chapter
4.0. Based on the recommendation of the SEC, one replenishment action would involve up to 12 receiver
sites using dredged sediment from six borrow sites. This is the SEC's preferred alternative. This document
also evaluates, at an equal level of detail, one possible alternative for replenishment at nine receiver sites
and the same six offshore borrow sites. Between the two alternatives, a total of 13 receiver sites are
proposed. Most of the 13 possible receiver sites are within suburban areas of the San Diego region and
are bordered by residential, commercial, or light industrial uses. All or portions of the beaches in Carlsbad,
Encinitas, and San Diego are State Beaches. All of the proposed borrow sites are surrounded by ocean
water; the primary recreational activities occurring nearby are boating, sailing, and diving pursuits.
Based on the thorough alternatives evaluation process completed to date, two alternatives were selected
for detailed evaluation in this EIR/EA. Both would result in placement of approximately 2 million cy of sand
along the San Diego region coastline. Table ES-2 illustrates the sand quantities at each beach receiver site
under both alternatives and the borrow site which would provide material for each receiver site. Figures
ES-2 and ES-3 illustrate the receiver sites associated with each alternative
Additionally, there are two possible construction variations one involves the potential for construction
seven days a week, 24 hours a day (7/24) and the other involves some restrictions on construction times
and days consistent with local noise ordinances, where applicable. These two construction schedules are
addressed as variations (a) and (b) for each alternative. The vast majority of dredge operations utilize a
7/24 time frame to increase efficiency, maximize sand replenishment at each receiver site, and minimize
cost. Given the fixed budget for this project, any increase in construction cost would translate to a
decrease in sand volume placed at each receiver site. Generally, adherence to applicable noise ordinances
would result in construction duration increasing 30 percent and the volume of sand reducing by up to 50
percent. Finally, the No Action Alternative is evaluated.
A more detailed description of the individual receiver sites under each alternative is provided below.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
Page ES-5
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