The San Diego Regional Beach Sand Project Final Environmental Impact Report/Review
Environmental Assessment was prepared by KEA Environmental for SANDAG and the U.S.
Navy. The Shoreline Erosion Committee advises SANDAG on coastal issues, and has guided
the development of the Regional Beach Sand Project. The Shoreline Erosion Committee
membership is:
Hon. Ann Kulchin, Chair, City of Carlsbad
Hon. Chuck Marks, City of Coronado
Hon. Crystal Crawford, City of Del Mar
Hon. James Bond, City of Encinitas
Hon. Dan Malcolm, City of Imperial Beach
Hon. Colleen O'Hara, City of Oceanside
Hon. Harry Mathis, City of San Diego
Hon. Joe Kellejian, City of Solana Beach
Hon. Pam Slater, County of San Diego
Comm. Jess Van Deventer, San Diego Unified Port District
Dan Muslin, U.S. Navy
The following staff of the San Diego Association of Governments participated in the
environmental document process:
Rob Rundle, Senior Planner, Project Manager
Steve Sachs, Senior Planner
Greg Smith, Intern
The environmental document was prepared by:
KEA Environmental
MEC Analytical Systems
Moffatt and Nichol Engineers
GeoArch Marine Archaeology Consultants