December 2001
Deep-Draft Entrance Channels:
Preliminary Comparisons Between
Field and Laboratory Measurements
by Michael J. Briggs, Ivano Melito,
Zeki Demirbilek, and Frank Sargent
PURPOSE: This Coastal and
Hydraulics Engineering Technical Note (CHETN) summarizes
preliminary comparisons between field and laboratory measurements of wave-induced vertical
motions at Barbers Point Harbor, HI (Figure 1). The importance of these wave motions to ship
underkeel clearance allowances and channel depth requirements is described.
Figure 1. Aerial view of Barbers Point Harbor, HI
NEEDS AND BENEFITS: The next generation of ships will require deeper and wider
entrance channels to provide safe navigation. Channel width and depth depend on vessel size,
traffic flow, and environmental conditions such as tides, water levels, winds, waves, and
currents. Channel depth is determined by ship draft and trim (T), and gross underkeel clearance
allowances (hUKC). The hUKC is composed of several factors including (a) tides (hTI), (b) wave-
induced motions (hWA), (c) squat (hSQ), and (d) a safety factor for seabed type (hSF). Additional
clearances can also be included for dredging tolerance and advance maintenance (hAM). Squat is
a drawdown of the ship due to decreased pressure beneath the hull as it moves ahead at nearly
constant speed in shallow and confined seaways. Wider and deeper channels require project and
maintenance dredging, with costs of the order of 0,000 per vertical foot per acre, depending
on the type of seabed. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers spends over 0 million per year