June 2002 (revised)
Figure 3. Mean damage as a function of number of waves at mean period
These ranges allow the lower and upper limits of the damaged profile descriptors to be estimated.
In order to reduce the number of parameters for design, Melby and Kobayashi (1998a) expressed
the key profile parameters as a function of the mean damage as follows:
σS =0.5 S 0.65
E =0.46 S 0.5
C =Co -0.1 S
L =4.4 S 0.5
Using Equations 4 and 7 with S = 13, corresponding to localized failure in the series shown in
Figure 3, σS = 2.65 and 6 < S < 21. This illustrates the large alongshore variability of damage at
failure for alongshore uniform waves.
EXAMPLE: A single storm example is provided to show how parameters are used in the
A traditional rubble-mound breakwater is to be constructed in seawater so that the longitudinal
axis of the structure is parallel to the wave crests. The significant wave height used for design is