Construction and Rehabilitation History
Date( s )
respectively, both sections terminating at the seaward end. The
to 2-ton stone was placed to
mlg on the sea and
(cont )
channel sides, respectively, with a berm width of 3
side slopes. A total of 38,300 tons of stone was placed at a cost of
Two sections of the east jetty were repaired and a 100-ft-long jetty
tie-in constructed. A 650-ft section of the concrete cap, located
from the seaward end, was buttressed with stone. The
about 5,400
design geometry was identical to that used in 1966 repairs
(Figure 1 ) A 300-ft section and tie-in section, located
8,500 ft from the outer end, respectively, were built up to
side slopes. The repairs
mlg, with a 6-ft crown width and
were made with 300-lb to 2-ton stone, and a
layer of shell
was placed as bedding for the jetty tie-in. A total of 16,500 tons
yd of shell was used for an approximate total
of stone and 500
cost of 4,000.
No new work has been done since 1971, and the project has been
essentially inactive since 1978. A l l deep-draft traffic now uses
Southwest Pass. Figure 1 1 is a 1977 photograph of the east jetty.
East jetty at South Pass, 1977