Milwaukee Harbor Structures
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Construction and Rehabilitation History
Construction of a 1,056-ft-long north pier at the entrance (Fig-
ure 85) progressed during this period. The pier was a stone-filled
timber crib structure and was 24 ft in width (Figure 86, Section F.
A 250-ft lakeward extension of the north pier was completed (Fig-
ure 86, Section
The extension was a stone-filled timber crib
structure that was 28 ft in width.
An additional 200-ft extension of the north pier was constructed
The extension was also a stone-filled timber
(Figure 86, Section
crib structure with a total width of 33.5 ft.
Construction of the shore-connected portion of the north breakwater
The breakwater was built
was completed during this time (Figure
with stone-filled timber cribs. The outer 1,756 ft was built on a
stone foundation, and the width of the structure ranged from about 20
B-2, and B- ). Riprap was
placed along the base of most of the remaining structure.
Construction of the northern 3,780 ft of the detached portion of the
north breakwater was completed during this period (Figure 87, Sec-
tions B'-3, C, and C-1). The structures were also built with stone-
filled timber cribs and ranged from 23 to 30 ft in width. Riprap was
placed along the base of the structure.
During this time the north pier was extended an additional 150 ft
(Figure 86, Section I. The extension was a 28-ft-wide stone-filled
timber crib structure built on woodpilings with riprap installed
along the base on each side. The entire north pier was capped with a
had a
concrete superstructure. The shoreward 1,056 ft (Section
ft lwd, and the remaining portion of the structure
crest el of
(Sections G, H, and I) had an el of
ft lwd. The shore-
connected portion of the north breakwater was capped with a concrete
B2, and
shoreward 1,472-ft length (Sections A and
also included a 3-ft-
wide concrete parapet wall at an el of
ft lwd. The remaining
portion of the breakwater (Sections B' and
had a crest el of
ft lwd. the 450-ft-long outer end (Section
had riprap
installed on each side of the structure. The el of the stone was
+3. ft lwd, and it had side slopes of
The detached portion of the north breakwater was extended southerly
by 980 ft (Figure 87, Section D. The extension was constructed of
stone-filled timber cribs and was 30 ft in width. The existing de-
tached portion of the north breakwater at this point (Figure 87, Sec-
C, and C-1) was capped with a concrete superstructure,
ft lwd.
which resulted in a crest el of