Construction and Rehabilitation History
Riprap was placed on both sides
of the east breakwater on the outer
100 ft of Section C (Figures 59
and 60). The outer 820 ft of the
Sections E-G) was reconstructed dur-
east breakwater (Figures 59-61,
ing this period as rubble-mound
Riprap was placed around the outer end of the west breakwater and for
a distance of 200 ft on each side (Figure 59, Section D . Riprap
also was placed around the outer end of the east breakwater and
150 ft along each side (Figure 59, Sections F and G.
Rehabilitation of navigation structures included reconstruction of
the inner 470 ft and 624 ft of the west and east breakwaters, re-
spectively (Figure 59, Sections A and B. Also included in the
rehabilitation was reconstruction of the pier (Figure 59, Section H.
The shoreward 88 ft of the pier included a rubble-mound structure
side slopes of
An inspection of the breakwaters revealed that the east breakwater
had some areas where the concrete cap was in an advanced state of de-
terioration, and the stone fill had washed away. The west breakwater
required some stone fill also and new concrete in some areas. Break-
water repairs were made subsequent to the inspection.
The structures have been reconstructed and repaired during their his-
tory and presently are in fair condition.