Table 21
Whitefish Point Harbor Breakwaters
Whitefish Point, Michigan
Construction and Rehabilitation History
Construction of a 507-ft-long south breakwater and a 587-ft-long
north breakwater was completed at the site (Figure 56). The south
breakwater consisted of a 323-ft-long steel sheet-pile cantilever
wall and a 184-ft-long sand-filled cellular steel sheet-pile struc-
6 . The cells were 25.5 ft in diameter and were capped
ture (Figure 5 )
with reinforced concrete. Riprap was placed on each side of the
ft lwd el. The
cells, The entire breakwater was constructed to a
north breakwater was constructed with sand-filled cellular steel
sheet-pile structures that were also capped with reinforced concrete.
The shoreward cells were 25.5 ft in diameter, while the lakeward
cells had a diameter of 30.2 ft (Figures 56 and 5 )
7 . Riprap was
ft lwd.
placed on each side of the structure, and the crest el was
A 270-ft-long interior breakwater was constructed (Figure 56) for
wave absorption. This structure consisted of steel sheetpiling in-
ft lwd and riprap installed at 0 0 ft lwd on
stalled at an el of
7 . The weight of the riprap
each side of the structure (Figure 5 )
ranged from 1,600 to 6,000 lb, and about 6,860 tons of stone was
used. The cost of this structure was approximately 2,000.
The breakwaters appear to be functioning well and presently are in
good condition. An aerial view of Whitefish Point Harbor breakwaters
is shown in Figure 58.