Table 6
Cornucopia Harbor Piers
Cornucopia, Wisconsin
Construction and Rehabilitation History
Construction of a 938-ft-long east pier and a 530-ft-long west pier
5 . The shoreward 370 ft and
was completed at the site (Figure 1 )
372 ft of the west and east piers, respectively (Figures 15 and 16,
were constructed with woodpiling and filled with stone.
Steel sheetpiling was installed also on the channel side at an el of
f t lwd. The remaining 160 ft of the west pier, and the next
286 ft of the east pier (Figures 15 and 16, Sections B and C) were
constructed of woodpiling with sand and stone fill. Steel
piling was installed on each side of the structure at a
ft el lwd.
Stone was grouted in place to cap the structure. The west pier was
15 ft wide, and the east pier ranged from 17 to 45 ft in width. The
next 100 ft of the east pier was constructed of steel sheetpiling
with sand and rock fill (Figures 15 and 16, Section E. This struc-
ture was 24 ft wide with a crest el of
ft lwd. The outer 180 ft
of the east pier was a cellular sheet-pile structure (Figures 15
and 16, Section F. The cells were filled with dredged sand or
gravel and capped with 2 ft of rocks filled with grout. The diameter
of the cells was 30.55 ft, and the crest el was
berms were placed at the toe of the structure on both sides.
No records of repair to the structure have been noted, and the piers
presently'are in good condition.