Table 2
Zuniga Jetty
San Diego Harbor, California
Construction and Rehabilitation History
Construction of a 7,500-ft-long rubble-mound jetty (Zuniga Jetty)
was completed (Figure 35) during this time frame. The design
height of the jetty was +14 ft mllw with a
crest. Side
It is indicated, however, that the jetty was
slopes were
not constructed to the full design height.
Rehabilitation work was performed by the US Navy from the shoreward
end to a point about 1,400 ft seaward.
Settlement and flattening of the slopes occurred, particularly in
the outermost third of the jetty. As a result, parts of the jetty
were awash o r submerged at most tide stages, creating hazards to
Maintenance repair of the jetty was accomplished for a cost of
approximately 7,000. This work consisted of the construction of
platforms on the jetty for navigation lights which were installed
by the US Coast Guard to alleviate hazards to navigation.
Maintenance repair of the jetty was completed, the extent of which
is unknown.
Even though the jetty was not constructed to full design height, it
functions satisfactorily as a training wall which concentrates
tidal flows and keeps the entrance channel scoured to project