where "-o" is a flag to set the filename of the executable file," -O4" is an
optimization flag (this happens to be the default optimization flag for DEC
FORTRAN), "-static" is a flag that causes all local variables to be statically allocated
(this is the same as the "SAVE" flag for some PC compilers), and sed2dv45.f is the
name of the source file. The source file contains an "INCLUDE" statement which
will require the presence of the file "sed2dv45.inc" in the working directory at the
time of compilation. The file "sed2dv45.inc" contains the global variable
declarations for SED2D WES. In particular, the array sizes (the number of nodes
and elements permitted) are set in this file. For large grids, you may need to increase
the array sizes and recompile the program in order to successfully run your
application. If you need help with this process contact the TABS-MD consultants at
Performance Enhancements 133
Users Guide To SED2D-WES