One Dimensional Elements
The ability to simulate one-dimensional (1D) elements was added to SED2D WES in
1994. The formulation assumes a trapezoidal cross section, consistent with the 1D
formulation in RMA2. The implementation is provided as a convenience to allow
the user to efficiently utilize the benefits of 1D elements in RMA2 for ease of
domain discretization and boundary condition placement. The current formulation
incorporates the traditional isoperimetric 1D element, 1D junctions, and transition
elements from 1D to 2D.
The 1D capability in SED2D WES is not meant to give the ability to seriously model
sediment transport as an alternative to HEC-6, for example, which is a fully
developed 1D sediment model. This simply allows for use of the benefits of
simplified schematization.
However, the 1D off-channel storage features within RMA2 are not fully supported
in SED2D WES. There is no concentration book-keeping in the off-channel storage
area in the sediment model.
Special One-Dimensional Elements
SED2D only supports the transition and junction type 1D elements.
Conceptual Program Design 19
Users Guide To SED2D-WES