the low concentration statistic.
and skill score statistics look slightly better for the
WW3 results for Jan-Mar. WIS and WW3 both show
Figures 5-7 show some similarities between all three
the lowest mean correlation.
hindcasts. Hindcast wave period results are low in
times of low wave height as shown in all plots for
Tables 38-43 in the Appendix show comparison mean
February 17-19. A major front passed over the Gulf
period and peak period statistics for the three models
on February 4 and high winds on the back side of a
at NDBC 42036. Using Table 4, WAM shows a mean
LOW are noted on February 4. WIS does a good job
positive bias of 0.001 sec in comparison to a negative
of tracking the peak of this event while WW3 and
WIS bias of 0.05 sec. WW3 shows a negative bias
WAM are low. WIS and WAM both do a good job on
of 0.65 sec for Jan-Mar indicating under-prediction
the wave period associated with this event. A LOW in
of the mean period. WW3 shows the lowest mean
the southeastern Gulf around February 21 produced
RMS for Jan-Mar, 0.59sec. WW3 shows the highest
another event with high winds and a direction change.
correlation for Jan-Mar; all three models show similar
WIS shows a little over-prediction of this event but
skill score statistics although WAM shows some big
captures the before and after characteristics
differences with measured results in September (see
Table 38 in the Appendix). WW3 has slightly better
scatter index statistics for Jan-Mar. Peak period
correlations shown in Table 5 indicate WW3 has the
best statistics for Jan-Mar with a mean value of 0.68.
All bias values are negative indicating under-
prediction of the peak period. RMS values are all
about 1 sec. WW3 and WAM show equal mean
values for the lowest scatter index for Jan-Mar. All
the models show skill scores in excess of 0.96. Again,
WAM shows some problems in the September
hindcast of peak period.
Figures 5-7 show the line plots from the hindcasts for
February 1995 at NDBC 42036. Model results are
shown in blue and measured results are shown in red.
Figure 5. WIS results compared to NDBC 42036
Directional information was available for this month
for February 1995. Plots from top to bottom
and Table 7 shows the directional statistics for the
include significant wave height, wave period, and
three models using wave direction comparisons for
wave direction.
waves 1 m and above. WW3 shows the best
directional comparison with a mean directional
difference of 7.32 deg, a concentration statistic of
11.08 indicating that both the measured and
hindcasted directions represent similar distributions.
Circular correlation for WW3 is 0.906. WIS shows
results almost as good as WW3. WAM shows a
concentration statistic below 5.0 indicating that the
WAM directional distribution is different from the
measured distribution. The WAM wave direction
comparison plot in Figure 6 shows major directional
differences close to February 25, and this accounts for
Table 7. Mean Wave Direction Statistics for Gulf
Level 3 February 1995 at NDBC 42036
Model x (deg)
Figure 6. WAM results compared to NDBC 42036
for February 1995. Plots from top to bottom
WW3 -7.32
include significant wave height, wave period, and
WAM -12.92
wave direction.