Figure D8. ADP transects May 2001
Current and depth data were collected on two separate data acquisition
systems, each with simultaneous position and time input from a single DGPS
receiver. At the north jetty, one series of four transects, consisting of two
perpendicular and two parallel transects, was typically collected in an hour.
Four series of transects were collected over a 5-hr period from approximately
half way through the flood until the beginning of the ebb. In the inlet, transect
loops A and B together and loop C required approximately 2 hr for each
circumnavigation. Transects were collected over a 14-hr period from low tide to
low tide on 2 consecutive days. Each current profile is divided into 0.5-m cells,
beginning 1 m below the surface to 0.5 m above the bottom. Current profiles
were collected once every 5 sec, corresponding to approximately 8- to 10-m
horizontal distance.
Appendix D
Field Data Collection