the model, or 10 mm prototype. These probes are calibrated at the start of the
test series and whenever the system is disconnected for modifications. Zero
readings for each gauge are taken at the start of each test. All wave gauges are
sampled at 20 Hz. A total of 14 wave gauges were used in the tests. The layout of
the wave gauges in the model is shown in Figure A9.
Velocity measurement. Velocities in the flume were measured using two
MicroADV (Figure A15) is a single-point, high-resolution, 3-D Doppler current
meter. MicroADV Doppler processing techniques provide several important
advantages: 3-D velocity measurements in a remote sampling volume; invariant
factory calibration (no periodic recalibration required); simple operation; direct
calculation of turbulent parameters such as Reynolds stress; and excellent low-
flow performance. The two ADVs were mounted on a beam over the test section.
Video and still photography. Video and still photography was acquired
during all tests. Still photographs were taken before and after each test to
document any stone displacement. All photographs were taken with a digital
camera and catalogued in the project files. The video records allow visual
interpretation of interaction between the structure and the breaking waves.
Selected video segments have been digitized and stored as MPEG movie clips.
Figure A15. SonTek 16 MHz ADV
Appendix A
Stability Analysis of a Submerged Spur, North Jetty, Grays Harbor, WA