occurred in version 2.0 when the offshore boundary included both land
and water cells.
g. Improved Surface-Water Modeling System (SMS) user interface and
supporting software for grid generation, interpolation of current fields,
generation of input spectra, and visualization of model output.
Version 7.1 of SMS provides significant improvements for conversion of
coordinate systems, interpolating current fields, and generating and
visualizing input/output wave spectra. This version also includes the
additional input parameters required for STWAVE version 3.0 and
visualization of breaking wave fields.
This report describes procedures for using STWAVE. In Chapter 2, an
overview of the model governing equations and the numerical discretization is
presented. In Chapter 3, the necessary input files are described. Guidelines for
selecting parameter values are also given. In Chapter 4, the content and format
of the STWAVE output files are described. Chapter 5 gives a tutorial on SMS
application (version 7.1) using data from the Yaquina Entrance in Oregon.
Chapter 6 provides three example applications of the model for wave growth and
transformation over simple bathymetry and wave transformation over complex
bathymetry with wave-current interaction. Sample input and output files are
given in Appendices A-G.
Chapter 1 Introduction