CHAPTER 1. WATERSHED - RESERVOIR PROCESSES: RELATION TO WATER QUALITYInfiltration and RunofSCS Curve Number Determination - WQ_Manual0011Table 1.1.1. General SCS Runoff Curve Numbers for rural Lands Including Feed LotPrecipitation and SnowmelFigure 1.1.2. Graphical Solution to the SCS Curve Number Equation (after SCS, 1986)Precipitation and Snowmel (Cont.)Functional Relationship of Loads and Concentrations - WQ_Manual0016Figure 1.1.3. Water Budget for the Lumped Parameter GWLF Stream Flow Model (after Haith and Shoemaker, 1987)Evapotranspiration - WQ_Manual0018Nutrient Budget for the Loading Function - WQ_Manual0019Cropland and Forest Dissolved Nutrient Loading - WQ_Manual0020Dissolved Nutrient Concentrations Rural Sediment and Sediment-Attached Nutrient LoadingRainfall Erosivity - WQ_Manual0023Topographic FactorSediment Delivery - WQ_Manual0025Figure 1.1.5 Sediment Delivery Ration as a Function of Watershed Drainage Area. (after Roehl, 1962Sediment-Attached Nutrient Loading - WQ_Manual0027Feedlot Pollutant Runoff - WQ_Manual0028Figure 1.1.6. Feedlot site plan. (After Young et al. 1982)Determine animal unit density (AUD)Determine percent manure packFigure 1.1.7. Percent manure pack vs. animal unit density. (from Young et al., 1982Table 1.1.5. Background Runoff Concentrations of Total Phosphorus and Chemical Oxygen Demand For Rural Land Uses Table 1.1.6. Background Runoff Concentrations For Total Nitrogen From Rural Land Uses. - WQ_Manual0034Determine pollutant concentration at feedlot edge (CF)NONPOINT SOURCES - WQ_Manual0036Urban and Industrial Sites - WQ_Manual0037Table 1.1.7. Urban Event Mean Concentrations for Several Pollutant nd their VariabilityTable 1.1.8. Urban Runoff Curve NumberForestry - WQ_Manual0040Table 1.1.9 Characterization of the 20 Study Sites - WQ_Manual0041Table 1.1.10 Concentrations of Metals and Other Analytes in First Flush Runoff Sample and Storm Rainfall - WQ_Manual0042Table 1.1.11 Concentrations (mg/l) of Conventional Water Quality Parameters n First Flush Runoff SamplesConstructionNONPOINT SOURCE SIMULATION MODELS - WQ_Manual0045Estimating On-Site and Off-Site ImpactsREFERENCES - WQ_Manual0047REFERENCES (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0048REFERENCES (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0049REFERENCES (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0050REFERENCES (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0051REFERENCES (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0052REFERENCES (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0053PRACTICAL LIMNOLOGY - WQ_Manual0054WHAT ARE THE KINDS OF SYSTEMS? - WQ_Manual0055INTRODUCTION TO RESERVOIRS - WQ_Manual0056TERMINOLOGY - WQ_Manual0057Physical Processes - Light and Thermal Energy - WQ_Manual0058Table 1.2.1. Some Characteristics of Reservoirs Compared to Natural Lakes - WQ_Manual0059Physical Properties of Water - WQ_Manual0060Physical Properties of Water (Cont.)Figure 1.2.3 The relationship between temperature and density for pure water. - WQ_Manual0062Thermal Energy and the Ecosystem - WQ_Manual0063Thermal Energy and the Ecosystem (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0064Figure 1.2.4. Diagram illustrating thermal patterns typical of a stratified monomictic lake. - WQ_Manual0065Figure 1.2.5. The extinction of light in pure water - WQ_Manual0066Figure 1.2.6. Wavelength dependence of extinction coefficient and the effect of penetration of light in water - WQ_Manual0067MIXESStability and Heat Budgets - WQ_Manual0069Stability Equation - WQ_Manual0070RESERVOIR ZONATION - WQ_Manual0071Chemical Processes - WQ_Manual0072Figure 1.2.8 Consequence of construction of Richard B. Russell Lake on phosphorus oading to J. Strom Thurmond Lake, just downstreamFigure 1.2.9 Theoretical hydrograph showing the major features of stream flow through a storm event - WQ_Manual0074Henry's Law of Solubility - WQ_Manual0075Henry's Law of Solubility (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0076Henry's Law of Solubility (Cont.) HABITAT AND LIFE ZONES - WQ_Manual0078HABITAT AND LIFE ZONES (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0079HABITAT AND LIFE ZONES (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0080BIOTA: MAJOR COMPONENTS IN LAKES - WQ_Manual0081BIOTA: MAJOR COMPONENTS IN LAKES (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0082BIOTA 2: FUNCTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS - WQ_Manual0083RESERVOIRS - WQ_Manual0084PROJECT PURPOSES - WQ_Manual0085Figure 1.2.10. Distributions of natural lakes and reservoirs (based on Walker 1981)Figure 1.2.11 Distribution of Corps of Engineers projects by type - WQ_Manual0087RESERVOIR OPERATIONS - WQ_Manual0088RESERVOIR OPERATIONS (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0089Figure 1.2.13 Example of surface withdrawal structure (USACE 1987)Figure 1.2.14 Dual wet well multilevel withdrawal structure (USACE 1987) - WQ_Manual0091Figure 1.2.15 Schematic of a hydropower facility (USACE 1987) - WQ_Manual0092HARMFUL ALGAL BLOOMS AND THE FACTORS CONTROLLING ALGAL GROWTH - WQ_Manual0093Major Algal Groups - WQ_Manual0094Diatoms and golden-brown algaeCyanobacteria: the Blue -Green Algae - WQ_Manual0096Other Important Differences Between Cyanobacteria and True Algae.Nuisance Growth and Harmful Algal Blooms - Growth and Control - WQ_Manual0098What Causes Nuisance GrowthEcological Growth Control - WQ_Manual0100Factors Under Hydro-project Control - WQ_Manual0101Nutrient Ratios - WQ_Manual0102Nutrient Limitation - WQ_Manual0103Future Outlook for HABs - WQ_Manual0104Specific References - WQ_Manual0105General References - WQ_Manual0106Pfiesteria References - WQ_Manual0107General and Review References - WQ_Manual0108General and Review References (COnt.) - WQ_Manual0109General and Review References (COnt.) - WQ_Manual0110General and Review References (COnt.) - WQ_Manual0111REFERENCES - WQ_Manual0112OVERVIEW OF LIMNOLOGICAL PROCESSES IN TAILWATERS - WQ_Manual0113Figure 1.3.1 Three major types of flow regulation at reservoirs: A) attenuation, B) storage, and C) manipulation - WQ_Manual0114Figure 1.3.2 Idealized reservoir tailwater depicting morphometric features (e.g. riffles and pools), downstream users, material transport/deposition scenarios, and flow related nfluences.HYDROLOGY/MATERIAL TRANSPORT - WQ_Manual0116HYDROLOGY/MATERIAL TRANSPORT (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0117Figure 1.3.4 Physical model simulation of currents downstream from a hydropower dam - WQ_Manual0118Figure 1.3.5 Idealized velocity distributions in channels of different slopes - WQ_Manual0119HYDROLOGY/MATERIAL TRANSPORT (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0120Figure 1.3.7 Tailwater hydrographs in response to different retention times for a rapid and high flow event and an event of lesser magnitude but longer durationFigure 1.3.8 Hydrographs from (A) a hydropower operation (mean daily discharge), (B) a flood control project in New York, and (C) a flood control project in Arizona. - WQ_Manual0122Figure 1.3.9 Hourly discharge from a peaking, hydropower operation. - WQ_Manual0123MORPHOLOGY - WQ_Manual0124THERMAL PATTERNS - WQ_Manual0125Figure 1.3.11 Temperature and dissolved oxygen concentrations from the releases from Hartwell Dam (a peaking hydropower project on the Georgia and South Carolina border) depicting A) seasonal and annual cycles and B) daily cycles. - WQ_Manual0126Figure 1.3.12 Effects of selective withdrawal from various depths upon flow patterns, density, and temperature profiles, in homogeneous and stratified lakes. - WQ_Manual0127Figure 1.3.13 Temperature and dissolved oxygen concentrations in response to peaking hydropower generation in (figure b provided for eference) the tailwater of West Point Lake, Georgia and Alabama.Figure 1.3.14 Change in dissolved oxygen concentrations in the release waters from West Point Dam as a function of travel time (distance) - WQ_Manual0129CHEMICAL PROCESSES - WQ_Manual0130CHEMICAL PROCESSES (cont.) - WQ_Manual0131Figure 1.3.16 Temporal patterns in total iron and manganese concentrations in a reservoir tailwater (East Sidney Lake, NY). (Hydrograph provided for reference.)Figure 1.3.17 Temporal patterns in dissolved and particulate iron and manganese concentrations in a reservoirs tailwater (Lake Hartwell, GA/SC)Figure 1.3.19 Temporal patterns of total nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in reservoir tailwaters (East Sidney Lake, NY).Figure 1.3.20 Spatial trends in ammonia and nitrate concentrations in reservoir tailwaters during high (H) and low (L) flow (Nimrod Lake, AR).Figure 1.3.21 Variation of suspended solids with time in the tailwater of Allatoona Lake, GA (note relatively low and constant concentrations)BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES - WQ_Manual0137BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES (Cont.)SUMMARY - WQ_Manual0139REFERENCES - WQ_Manual0140REFERENCES (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0141REFERENCES (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0142REFERENCES (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0143REFERENCES (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0144CHAPTER 2. PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION AND ASSESSMENTWATER QUALITY BIOCRITERIA AND INDICATORS - WQ_Manual0146WATER QUALITY BIOCRITERIA AND INDICATORS (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0147Table 2.1 Features Useful for Developing Indicators - WQ_Manual0148OVERVIEW OF CONTAMINANTS, SPILLS, ETC. - WQ_Manual0149MERCURYFigure 2.1.1 Summary of major processes and mechanisms in the interactions between dissolved and solid species in surface waters. - WQ_Manual0151Figure 2.1.2 Dissolution of ferric oxyhydroxide layer and release of coprecipitated metals in an acid, reducing environment - WQ_Manual0152CHEMICAL SPILLS - WQ_Manual0153DATA ANALYSIS - WQ_Manual0154SAMPLE DESIGN - WQ_Manual0155Figure 2.1.4 Hypothetical time scale for selected physical, chemical and biological processes - WQ_Manual0156SAMPLE DESIGN (Cont.)WATER QUALITY MODELSTable 2.1.1 Selected Water Quality Models - WQ_Manual0159REFERENCES - WQ_Manual0160REFERENCES - continued - WQ_Manual0161REFERENCES - continued - WQ_Manual0162REFERENCES - continued - WQ_Manual0163ASSESSMENT OF WATERSHED PROCESSES - WQ_Manual0164Documenting a Cause-and-Effect Relationship - WQ_Manual0165Elements of Monitoring Needed to Link Land Management Modifications with Water Quality Changes - WQ_Manual0166Quantitative Monitoring of Land Management. - WQ_Manual0167Matching of Land Treatment and Water Quality Data on a Spatial (Drainage) Scale.Summary - WQ_Manual0169References - WQ_Manual0170ASSESSMENT OF RESERVOIR PROCESSES - WQ_Manual0171LAKE ASSESSMENT, THE FIRST STEP - WQ_Manual0172The Practical Reality - WQ_Manual0173The Methods of Assessment - Field Collections - WQ_Manual0174SAMPLING CONSIDERATIONS - WQ_Manual0175Temporal Dependence - WQ_Manual0176LoadingFIELD DATA - DATABASE - WQ_Manual0178Specialized Analyses - WQ_Manual0179Other Specialized Assessment Methods - WQ_Manual0180CASE STUDY - RICHARD B. RUSSELL LAKE - WQ_Manual0181REFERENCES - WQ_Manual0182REFERENCES (cont.) - WQ_Manual0183ASSESSMENT OF TAILWATER PROCESSES - WQ_Manual0184SAMPLING CONSIDERATIONS - WQ_Manual0185Figure 2.4.1 Decision diagram for implementing a monitoring program with remote monitors. Modified from Lemons et al. (1998)ANALYTICAL TOOLSREFERENCES - WQ_Manual0188 CHAPTER 3. INTERACTIONS WITH OTHERSDEFINING MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES - WQ_Manual0190Table 3.1.1 Clean Water and Watershed Restoration Budget Initiative - WQ_Manual0191RISK ASSESSMENT - WQ_Manual0192DISCUSSION - WQ_Manual0193REFERENCES - WQ_Manual0194CHAPTER 4 . ENHANCEMENT TECHNIQUESWATERSHED TECHNIQUES - WQ_Manual0196TECHNOLOGICAL DESCRIPTIONS - WQ_Manual0197Best Management Practices - WQ_Manual0198Vegetative ControlsInfiltration Devices - WQ_Manual0200Forestry - WQ_Manual0201Forestry (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0202Forestry (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0203Agriculture Conservation Tillage - WQ_Manual0205Terraces - WQ_Manual0206Irrigation System Furrow ImprovementsIrrigation System Furrow Improvements (Cont.)Animal Waste Management Systems - WQ_Manual0209Nutrient Management Systems - WQ_Manual0210Nutrient Management Systems (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0211Nutrient Management Systems (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0212Grassed Waterways - WQ_Manual0213Filter Strips - WQ_Manual0214Site Selection - WQ_Manual0215Installation - WQ_Manual0216REFERENCES - WQ_Manual0217REFERENCES (cont.) - WQ_Manual0218REFERENCES (cont.) - WQ_Manual0219REFERENCES (cont.) - WQ_Manual0220REFERENCES (cont.) - WQ_Manual0221REFERENCES (cont.) - WQ_Manual0222REFERENCES (cont.) - WQ_Manual0223REFERENCES (cont.) - WQ_Manual0224REFERENCES (cont.) - WQ_Manual0225REFERENCES (cont.) - WQ_Manual0226REFERENCES (cont.) - WQ_Manual0227REFERENCES (cont.) - WQ_Manual0228REFERENCES (cont.) - WQ_Manual0229REFERENCES (cont.) - WQ_Manual0230Table 4.2.1. Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus Concentration in Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent - WQ_Manual0231Table 4.2.3. Summary of Best Management Practices - WQ_Manual0232Table 4.2.4. Computed Fractions of Clay, Silt and Aggregates Entering a Grass Filter Strip from a Silt Loam Soil - WQ_Manual0233Table 4.2.6. Sample Calculations for the Sediment Delivery Ratio - WQ_Manual0234and Sources of Pollutants (Cite)Table 4.2.7 (Continued) - WQ_Manual0236Table 4.2.7 (Continued) - WQ_Manual0237Table 4.2.7 (Concluded)IN-RESERVOIR TECHNIQUES: SELECTIVE WITHDRAWAL - WQ_Manual0239Figure 4.3.1 Schematic of withdrawal zone - WQ_Manual0240Applications of Selective Withdrawal - WQ_Manual0241Summary - WQ_Manual0242HYPOLIMNETIC WITHDRAWALEvaluation Methodology - WQ_Manual0244Review of Applications - WQ_Manual0245UNDERWATER SKIMMING WEIR OR SUBMERGED CURTAINSTheory - WQ_Manual0247Applications - WQ_Manual0248Table 4.3.3. Summary of Temperature Control Weirs and CurtainsTheory - WQ_Manual0250Applications of Submerged Skimming Weirs - WQ_Manual0251Summary - WQ_Manual0252References - WQ_Manual0253References (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0254References (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0255IN-RESERVOIR TECHNIQUES - OPERATIONAL TECHNIQUES - WQ_Manual0256Design Criteria - WQ_Manual0257Implementation - WQ_Manual0258Summary - WQ_Manual0259INFLOW ROUTING - WQ_Manual0260Implementation - WQ_Manual0261Summary - WQ_Manual0262Design Criteria - WQ_Manual0263Figure 4.4.3 Example of improved dissolved oxygen with supplemental releases - WQ_Manual0264Implementation - WQ_Manual0265CONCENTRATION OF FLOW THROUGH ONE GATEEvaluation Methodology - WQ_Manual0267Implementation - WQ_Manual0268Summary - WQ_Manual0269Design Criteria - WQ_Manual0270Figure 4.4.5 Release temperatures from a selective withdrawal tower based upon a "best daily" operation and then a "seasonal" operation - WQ_Manual0271Implementation - WQ_Manual0272Summary - WQ_Manual0273REFERENCES - WQ_Manual0274REFERENCES (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0275REFERENCES (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0276REFERENCES (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0277IN-RESERVOIR TECHNIQUES: AERATORS/OXYGENATION - WQ_Manual0278Figure 4.5.1 Example hypolimnetic aeration devices - WQ_Manual0279Figure 4.5.1 Example hypolimnetic aeration devices - WQ_Manual0280DESIGN METHODOLOGY - WQ_Manual0281SUMMARY - WQ_Manual0282REFERENCES - WQ_Manual0283REFERENCES (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0284Problem Addressed - WQ_Manual0285Figure 4.6.1 Destratification induced by bubble column - WQ_Manual0286Applications of Pneumatic Destratification - WQ_Manual0287Table 4.6.1. Pneumatic Destratification InstallationsApplications of Pneumatic Destratification (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0289LOCALIZED MIXING - WQ_Manual0290Theory - WQ_Manual0291Figure 4.6.2 Schematic of localized mixing application - WQ_Manual0292Applications of Localized Mixing - WQ_Manual0293Summary - WQ_Manual0294REFERENCES - WQ_Manual0295REFERENCES (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0296REFERENCES (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0297REFERENCES (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0298PROBLEM ADDRESSED - WQ_Manual0299Design Methodology - WQ_Manual0300Applications - WQ_Manual0301Applications (Cont.)Summary - WQ_Manual0303Design Methodology - WQ_Manual0304Applications - WQ_Manual0305Summary - WQ_Manual0306FORCED AIR - WQ_Manual0307REFERENCES - WQ_Manual0308REFERENCES (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0309REFERENCES (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0310REFERENCES (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0311Table 4.7.4. Aeration Experience in Retrofitting Existing Turbines - WQ_Manual0312Table 4.7.4. Aeration Experience in Retrofitting Existing Turbines (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0313TAILWATER TECHNIQUES - WQ_Manual0314Design Considerations - WQ_Manual0315Figure 4.8.1 Discharge below Douglas Dam with Turbine Pulsing - WQ_Manual0316Applications - WQ_Manual0317Summary - WQ_Manual0318TAILWATER TECHNIQUES: AERATING WEIRS - WQ_Manual0319Theory - WQ_Manual0320Figure 4.8.2 Aerating Weir Types - WQ_Manual0321Design and Construction Considerations - WQ_Manual0322Summary - WQ_Manual0323REFERENCES - WQ_Manual0324REFERENCES (Cont.) - WQ_Manual0325ALTERNATE MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIESBIOLOGICAL MANIPULATION - WQ_Manual0327Figure 4.9.1 The aquatic food chain, indicating interactions between the components of the biomanipulation model (after Shapiro et al. 1982)REFERENCES - WQ_Manual0329CHAPTER 5. POST-PROJECT EVALUATION PROCESSESSHORT AND LONG TERM TRENDS - WQ_Manual0331WQ_Manual