Rubble revetments are constructed of one or more layers of stone or concrete pieces derived from
demolition of sidewalks, streets, and buildings (Figures B-1 and B-2). Stone revetments are constructed
of either two layers of uniform-sized pieces (quarrystone) or a gradation of sizes between upper or lower
limits (riprap). Riprap revetments are not recommended for property owners, however, as they are
somewhat more difficult to design and inspect because of the required close control of allowable
gradations and their tendency to be less stable under large waves.
Quarrystone structures are
recommended because they are more easily designed and inspected. In either case, stone revetments are
time-tested, highly durable, and often the most economical where stone is locally available.
The primary advantage of a rubble revetment is its flexibility, which allows it to settle into