4.12 Air Quality
fugitive dust. Thus, no sensitive receptors would be exposed to pollutant concentrations. It is concluded
that the air quality impacts of Alternative 1a would be less than significant.
For purposes of full disclosure, the estimated emissions from the dredge and slurry booster pump engine
are provided in Table 4.12-1. These emissions are not compared to the General Conformity de minimis
thresholds for determining significance because they are permitted.
Mitigation Measures for Alternative 1a
No significant impacts have been identified; accordingly, no mitigation measures are necessary.
Under this alternative, the same receiver sites would receive sand and the same borrow sites would be
dredged for material, but operations would occur over a different schedule. It would be necessary to
obtain an Authority to Construct and a Permit to Operate from APCD for the dredge operation.
Dredge(s), support boats, booster pumps and construction equipment would generate emissions. While
the duration of construction would be longer overall, the total emissions would not increase because there
would be no emissions during the period when construction was not occurring. The estimated emissions
values in Table 4.12-1 would not be exceeded by this variation. The draft RONA in Appendix F would
apply to this alternative as well. The minimal amount of traffic and lack of fugitive dust, plus conformity with
the SIP would support the conclusion of no significant impact.
4.12.3 Alternative 2
Impacts of Alternative 2a
The dredge operations would be similar in nature to Alternative 1, although the amount of material from
each borrow site would vary. APCD would require an Authority to Construct and Permit to Operate
which would specify operational conditions for fuel type and amounts, specific vessels, etc. Estimated
construction emissions for equipment used to place sand at each receiver site and locate the pipelines are
provided in Table 4.12-2 and the supporting calculations are provided in Appendix F. These estimated
emissions are less than the threshold values and the proposed action is presumed to conform with the SIP.
There is a very low potential for dust generation because the material being moved is extremely wet.
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Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
99-69\sect-04.12.wpd 7/19/00