Dredge Equipment Impacts
Dredging operations would be the same as those discussed under Alternative 1. Therefore, impacts
resulting from implementation of Alternative 2a would be similar to those identified for Alternative 1a. No
additional impacts beyond those previously discussed under Alternative 1a would be anticipated.
As described under Alternative 1a, measures were taken during design to minimize impacts to biological
resources and avoid sensitive habitat areas. Where potentially significant impacts were identified (i.e.,
impacts to grunion spawning due to sand placement), measures were developed and incorporated into
project design to reduce these impacts to below a level of significance (refer to Section 2.5). Additionally,
monitoring would be implemented as described inSection2.5 to verify that significant indirect sedimentation
impacts do not occur. If significant, long-term adverse impacts to sensitive marine resources are
documented by the monitoring effort to have resulted from discharge activities, SANDAG would mitigate
via restoration or creation of like habitat at a 1:1 ratio as described in Section 2.5. A "not-to-exceed" cap
on mitigation costs would be negotiated by SANDAG, similar to the previously permitted Navy
Homeporting project.
Impacts of Alternative 2b
Receiver Sites
Direct impacts resulting from implementation of Alternative 2b would be similar to those identified for
Alternative 2a, as all receiver sites would be the same. The relative quantity of sand deposited on the
beaches would be less for the South Oceanside, North Carlsbad, Solana Beach, Del Mar, Torrey Pines,
Mission Beach, and Imperial Beach sites. Given the smaller quantity of sand, either the thickness of the
sand would be less, or the length would decrease. There would be no significant direct impacts under
Alternative 2a, and less sand would not result in any direct impacts beyond those previously discussed.
Indirect impacts resulting from sediment transport related to movement of sands from the fill sites, and the
decreases in marine water quality associated with beach replenishment activities were analyzed in detail
under Alternative 2a.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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