Moonlight Beach. A total of 88,000 cy would be placed at this receiver site, and the footprint would be
about 10 acres. Figure 4.4-6 illustrates this receiver site and nearby resources. As with the other receiver
sites, direct impacts to marine life would not be significant and no significant impacts to California grunion
are anticipated.
Cardiff. At this receiver site, cobble dominates the mid and upper intertidaland sand and moderate cobble
occur in the lower intertidal. Figure 4.4-7 shows only the more dense cobble, plus the rip-rap that has been
placed seaward of Highway 101. The footprint of fill would be approximately 10 acres and approximately
104,000 cy would be placed at the site. As with the other receiver sites, direct impacts to marine life would
not be significant. Because of the dense and moderate cobble, California grunion are not anticipated to
utilize this site for spawning.
Solana Beach. Sand and cobble occur throughout the site and the footprint for this alternative would be
approximately 12 acres. Approximately 140,000 cy of material would be placed at the site. Within the
proposed toe of the fill slope are two localized hard substrate areas consisting of low relief rocks and a
sand stone bench with sparse juvenile feather boa kelp, opportunistic coralline turf algae, and little else.
F igure 4.4-8 illustrates the beach footprint and nearby habitat. The lack of invertebrates and sparse
occurrence of algae indicates that the recruitment of feather boa was opportunistic and not a persistent
feature. No surfgrass was present on any of the hard substrate within the footprint. Direct impacts would
not be significant because ofrapid recolonization of the sandy habitat and lack of sensitive persistent species
on the hard substrate. Direct impacts to marine life within the sandy portion of the fill footprint, and
California grunion, would be less than significant.
Del Mar. This alternative would have an approximately 29 acre footprint of fill with 180,000 cy. Figure
4.4-9 shows the footprint and nearby habitat. Sand and some cobble occur throughout the fill area. There
would be no direct significant impacts to marine resources or California grunion.
Torrey Pines. This alternative would have an approximately 19 acre footprint of fill using 240,000 cy of
material. Sand and cobble occur throughout the fill area (Figure 4.4-10). There is a patch of surfgrass just
outside the footprint. There would be no direct significant impacts to marine resources or California
Mission Beach. Approximately 100,000 cy would be placed at this receiver site under Alternative 1 with
an approximately 20 acre footprint of fill. Sand occurs throughout the fill area (refer to Figure 4.4-11).
There would be no significant direct impacts to marine resources or California grunion.
Page 4.4-10
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
99-69\SANDAG EIREA 4.1 to 4.13.wpd 7/17/00