4.2 Coastal Wetlands
affecting the estuary. Turbidity plumes would also be very localized. There would be no significant impacts
to either water body.
Mitigation Measures for Alternative 2a
Turbidity would significantly affect any coastal lagoons so no mitigation would be necessary. As described
in Section 2.5, a monitoring program would be implemented to verify whether or not project-related
sediment would result in increased rates of sand accumulation or mouth closures attributable to the project.
SANDAG has committed to fund the removal of sediment or inlet openings as determined to be
appropriate by the USACOE and in consultation with the resource agencies. No further measures would
be necessary.
Under this alternative, construction would occur over a longer time period but less sand would be placed
most receiver sites. Potential effects at individual lagoons would not be any greater under this construction
variation. The monitoring program in Section 2.5 would be implemented to either verify no significant
impact or institute mitigation as necessary.
No Action Alternative
Under this alternative, there would be no potential for change to lagoon sedimentation volumes or lagoon
mouth closures above the current patterns.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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