The species found at this borrow site are typical for this water depth and are common throughout the
project area. As shown in Table 3.4-5, other than 12 small artificial CDFG reefs, borrow site SO-9 is
generally distant from known sensitive resources and habitats. The dredge area has been designed to
provide a minimum 500-foot buffer zone to the nearest artificial CDFG reef. A previously unmapped
experimental reef was identified during public review of side-scan sonar data. SO-9 has been modified
to provide a 350-foot buffer from that small complex of scattered rock. It should be noted that during final
design, this borrow site may be eliminated, but impacts are addressed for purposes of full disclosure.
Proposed pipeline routes for onshore transport of sand appear to be clear of sensitive resources although
there may be some scattered rock near the proposed pipeline route.
The SO-7 borrow site is complex and constrained by artificial reefs along the eastern edge and inshore
hard bottom and potential kelp habitat to the north and south. However, sampling at this location in June
of 1999 did not observe kelp near this site. The dredge area has been designed to provide a minimum
350-foot buffer zone to the nearest artificial reef and potential kelp habitat areas. The nearest nearshore
reef area appears to be approximately 2,000 feet from the borrow site and there are no artificial reefs in
the dredge area (Table 3.4-5). There may be scattered rock and low relief reef near proposed pipeline
and mono buoy locations. The borrow site maybe expanded north and west if SO-9 and/or SO-6 are not
utilized, to be determined in final design.
While most of the species observed during monitoring near this borrow site are species common throughout
the Bight, some are more representative of coarse sand sediments. These tend to be less common than
those species associated with sand and silt/sand sediments.
Borrow site SO-6 is located near sensitive resources and habitats including nearshore reefs located about
500 feet from borrow site footprint and adjacent areas that historically have supported kelp at different
times. To the south is the San Elijo outfall pipe and a 350-foot buffer zone from the outfall pipe has been
incorporated into location of the dredge area. As shown in Table 3.4-5, hard bottom reef areas may exist
along pipeline and mono buoy locations.
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Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
99-69\SANDAG EIREA 3.4.wpd 7/17/00