2.0 Alternatives Considered
The cities of Solana Beach and Del Mar do not have permitting authority granted by the Coastal
Commission. The cities of Encinitas and San Diego do have permitting authority for portions of their cities,
but not for the areas encompassed by the project. Therefore, the Coastal Commission would issue the
coastal development permit for the entire action within each receiver site in these four jurisdictions.
In the City of Imperial Beach, the project could be both seaward and landward of the mean high tide line.
The City has an approved LCP and would issue the local permit, but the Coastal Commission has granted
sovereign lands to the Port of San Diego in this location so the Port would issue a permit for that area
seaward of the mean high tide line (as necessary).
In some cases, Table 2-11 also indicates the need for issuance of noise variances. A variance would be
required, where the local noise ordinance is applicable, to operate seven days a week within a 24-hour
period. Such nighttime operations would be outside the limitations of the pertinent noise ordinance. More
discussion of this topic is provided in Section 2.4 (Detailed Description of Alternatives) and Sections 3.13
and 4.13 (Noise).
Table 2-11 also identifies two cities that have been granted sovereign land by the California State Lands
Commission (San Diego and Oceanside) who may issue authorization for utilization of those lands. This
is similar to the lease agreement issued by the California State Lands Commission for receiver sites in other
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Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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