Executive Summary
(e.g., grunion). Post-construction monitoring will be required to understand the long-term ramifications of
project implementation, which is especially pertinent because of the highly dynamic ocean system.
Monitoring During Construction
SANDAG is committed to coordinating with commercial fishermen to avoid gear loss in the transit and
dredge areas. As described in Section 2.4.1, an observer would be aboard the dredge to document any
fishing gear in these areas and determine compensation responsibility if gear is lost. Other specifics of the
noticing procedure prior to and during construction are in that section.
Construction monitoring would be performed to verify water quality (turbidity) remains within parameters
established by the RegionalWater QualityControlBoard (RWQCB) 401 Certification of Waste Discharge
Requirements. The 401 Certification requirement will establish the frequency and duration of monitoring.
Monitoring would also occur during discharge operations at those receiver sites withsuitable grunionhabitat
to establish a buffer around observed grunion spawning locals. The buffer would remain in place for 14
days to allow grunion eggs to hatch, and surveys show no subsequent spawning has occurred in the same
area. A schematic drawing of the diked buffer area would be submitted to the resource and regulatory
agencies. Construction could continue elsewhere in the receiver site during this period. Monitoring by a
qualified biologist would only occur during the spawning season (March through August) and during the
dates specified by the California Department of Fish and Game intheir annualpamphlet Expected Grunion
While the dredge areas have been located to avoid locations high probability for underwater cultural
resources as much as possible, monitoring will be required at all receiver sites fed to verify no substantial
disturbance to resources occurs. If disturbance occurs, that portion of the borrow site would be
permanently avoided, a 250-foot buffer established, and the site recorded. Additionally, potential side-scan
targets at SO-9 and MB-1 would be investigated prior to dredging (by diver or remotely operated vehicle
(ROV)). If they are historic features they would be avoided and a suitable buffer established. Complete
side-scan will be obtained and interpreted at SO-9 and SS-1 to verify no historic targets and to ensure no
damage to the dredge.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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