Executive Summary
Beach replenishment at the Solana Beach site would consist of the placement of dredged sediment along
approximately 1,800 feet (0.3 mile) of the beach. The northern boundary of the proposed fill site starts just
south of Fletcher Cove and extends southward. A berm would be constructed at this location to an
elevation of approximately 12 feet above MLLW. The berm would be flat and extend seaward
approximately 100 feet. The beach fill would then slope seaward approximately 135 feet at a slope of
The berm at Del Mar's receiver site would be built to a height of approximately 11 feet above MLLW and
would extend seaward approximately 170 feet. The beach fill would then slope seaward approximately
150 feet at a slope of 10:1. The receiver site extends from just north of 27th Street to Powerhouse Park,
a distance of approximately 3,110 feet (0.6 mile).
The beach replenishment berm at the Torrey Pines site would be constructed to an elevation of
approximately 11 feet above MLLW, and would extend for approximately 1,620 feet (0.3 mile). The berm
would be flat with a width of approximately 300 feet. The beach fill would then slope seaward
approximately 200 feet at a slope of 10:1.
The Mission Beach receiver site would be constructed to create a berm of approximately 10 feet above
MLLW and approximately 150 feet wide, stretching approximately 1,590 feet (0.3 mile) from Nantasket
Court to Santa Barbara Place. The beach fill would then slope seaward at a slope of 20:1. The width of
the slope would be approximately 125 feet at the northern end and 250 feet to the south, where the
underwater slope is more gradual.
In Imperial Beach, the beach replenishment berm would be built to approximately 10 feet above MLLW
and would be approximately 120 feet wide, stretching from just Admiralty Way to approximately 600 feet
south of Encanto Avenue. The total length would be approximately 2,310 feet (0.4 mile). The beach fill
would then slope seaward approximately 125 feet at a slope of 20:1.
Borrow Sites
The six borrow sites would be located offshore along the coast from Oceanside to Imperial Beach, in
relative proximity to each receiver site. The term borrow site refers to a larger location that has been
investigated as part of this project in terms of sediment characteristics, marine resources, ocean surface,
etc. Within that large area, a smaller dredge area has been identified and evaluated where the actual
material would be removed. Table ES-4 provides a summary of borrow site characteristics including the
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
Page ES-11
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