Port of Long Beach
A three-dimensional physical model investigation was conducted to study the impact of
several proposed landfill modifications to the Port of Long Beach, CA.
The continuing growth of
the Port of Long Beach
(POLB) necessitates the
creation of additional con-
tainer terminal storage
space. Landfills at Piers E,
G, and J have been proposed
as part of the POLB's Mega
Terminal Development
Program. Changes to the
harbor response to long
waves and the resulting
surge of moored vessels
during loading and
Optimum configuration physical model layout and gage
unloading operations. Thus,
any changes to the harbor
have to be studied to minimize any adverse impacts on the harbor operations.
In FY03, eight alternative configurations were tested in the Coastal and Hydraulics
Laboratory's Los Angeles and Long Beach physical model facility in Vicksburg, MS. A
total of 30 wave gages were placed at critical locations in the model to measure wave
amplification factors for a range of incident long wave conditions. Both monochromatic
and spectral waves were simulated in the physical model. Several new landfills in the East,
West, Southeast, and Pier J Basins were investigated to determine the optimum configura-
tion that maximizes productivity for the expected harbor growth while minimizing any
adverse impacts of harbor resonance in the modified harbor.
The CGWAVE numerical model can be used to predict harbor wave patterns.
Supporting Technology
The physical model has shown that it accurately predicts harbor oscillation patterns and
has been applied to several projects. It will continue to be operated as a planning and
design tool as expansion of the harbors continue.
Port of Long Beach (POLB).
Dr. Michael J. Briggs, ATTN: CEERD-HN-H, 3909 Halls Ferry Road, Vicksburg, MS
Point of Contact
39180-6199, e-mail: . Additional information
can be found at http://chl.erdc.usace.army.mil.
Moffatt and Nichol Engineers.
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
August 2004
Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory (Project/Mission Support)