Burns Harbor, IN Breakwater
Effectiveness Study
ERDC-CHL-Field Data
Collection and Analysis
Branch (FDCAB) operates
and maintains one directional
wave gauge offshore of
Portage, IN and two non-
directional wave gauges
within Burns Harbor.
Analyzed wave data are used
by CHL and the Corps of
Engineer District, Chicago
(CELRC) for monitoring and
assessing the performance of
existing rubble mound and
submerged reef breakwaters.
During the latest rubble
mound breakwater
maintenance, harbor gauges
were positioned at repaired
and unrepaired breakwater
sections to allow for a comparison of the two situations in order to ascertain the
effectiveness of the repairs.
When storms blow from the north, Burns Harbor is subject to a fetch the full length of
Lake Michigan. Strong north winds can cause unsatisfactory wave conditions to occur
inside the harbor. CELRC requested assistance validating the performance of the rubble
mound and reef breakwaters protecting Burns Harbor.
Analyzed wave data are posted every two hours to http://sandbar.wes.army.mil. Wave
comparison analyses are made annually for CELRC. Additional information about data
collection scheme, data analysis and comparison results may be obtained at
One bottom mounted directional wave gage and two bottom mounted non-directional
Supporting Technology
gages have been deployed. Underwater cables connect gages to shore stations that hold the
data until polled by the computer in Vicksburg. Data is collected in near-real-time mode,
analyzed and posted to the FDCAB web site at http://sandbar.wes.army.mil.
CELRC uses results of wave comparisons to validate breakwater effectiveness.
Corps of Engineer District, Chicago.
Margaret A. Sabol, 3909 Halls Ferry Rd CEERD-CHL-HF-FO Vicksburg, MS 39180
Point of Contact
. Additional information can be found at
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
22 Sept 2004
Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory (Project/Mission Support)