Coastal Harbors Modeling Facility
The Coastal Harbors Modeling
Facility is used to aid in the
planning of harbor
development and in the design
and layout of breakwaters,
absorbers, etc.. The goal is to
optimize harbor protection and
verify acceptable project
performance. Design of small-
craft harbors is very difficult
due to the complexity of wave
interaction with the
harbors. Additional
General view of St. Paul Harbor, St. Paul Island, Alaska
complications caused by
nearby or adjacent rivers,
and/or harbor oscillation
problems caused by long-period wave energy make analytical methods inadequate for final
design. Many small-boat harbor projects can be examined in a thorough and efficient
manner using the dedicated small-scale boat harbor physical model.
The facility consists of a 400 ft long by 160 ft wide, 1.5 ft deep concrete wave basin.
Model waves can be generated by three 80-ft long unidirectional wave generators creating
monochromatic or irregular waves. The generator is mounted on retractable casters which
enables it to be positioned to generate waves from different directions. This facility
includes an automated data acquisition and control system, capacitance-type wave gauges,
a model circulation system, coal tracer materials and video equipment.
For many complex coastal engineering problems, particularly those concerning short-
period wave effects small-scale three-dimensional physical models can significantly
reduce project costs by optimizing functional design to achieve wave protection and
navigation goals.
The facility has been used to investigate wave, current, shoaling and sedimentation
conditions for existing conditions and proposed harbor modifications for numerous
projects. Previous studies include support for the U.S. Army Engineer Chicago, Detroit,
Los Angeles, Portland, Honolulu, and Alaska District.
Dr. Steven Hughes, CEERD-HN-H, 3909 Halls Ferry Road, Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199,
Point of Contact
e-mail: . Additional information can be found at
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
January 2005