August 2004
Figure 2. Normalized slump versus water content for several dredged materials
A set of correlation curves may be generated for
any particular dredged material. The slump test
method then becomes useful for monitoring
changes in the remolded material properties either
in the field or in the laboratory, based on the pre-
generated curves. As an example, the engineering
behavior properties of shear strength and self-
a series of simple slump tests and generating a
function curve for a parameter such as water con-
tent (or void ratio, bulk density, solids content,
etc.), the curve may be compared with another
function containing the common parameter. Sub-
sequent remolded material monitoring for chang-
ing shear strength or effective stress requires only
a single slump test.
INDEX PROPERTIES: Correlations useful for
Figure 3. Plot of vane shear strength as a
function of water content and liquid limit predicting unknown index properties were derived
LL for Pascagoula Harbor material (to
from experimental geotechnical data collected
convert kPa to pounds per square foot
from geographically diverse fine-grained dredged
(psf), multiply kPa by 20.8)