Submerged Narrow-Crested Breakwaters
Coastal Engineering Manual, Part V, Coastal Project Planning
should be limited to areas where they can form an enclosed
and Design, Chapter V-3, Engineer Manual 1110-2-1100, U.S.
cell and prevent offshore movement of sand off the beach pro-
Army Corps of Engineers, Washington, DC.
file. A new deployment of the Beachsaver Reef is planned in
BROWDER, A.E., 1994. Performance of Narrow-Crested Submerged
the fall of 2002 at Cape May Point. This new installation is
Breakwaters. Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida, M.S. the-
sis, 106 p.
in a groin compartment in an area where the tidal currents
BROWDER, A.E., 1995. Wave transmission and current patterns as-
interact with the ocean wind waves and create an area of
sociated with narrow-crested submerged breakwaters. In: TATE,
wave-current induced turbulence just seaward of the groins.
L.S. (ed.) Proceedings of the 8th National Conference on Beach Pres-
The beach within this compartment has been eroded and the
ervation Technology, Florida Shore and Beach Preservation Asso-
dune scarped by storm waves, threatening upland structures.
ciation, Tallahassee, Florida, pp. 348364. BROWDER, A.E.; DOM-
BROWSKI, M.R.; DEAN, R.G., and CHEN, R., 1994. Performance of
This new reef will also be a perched beach type of installation
the Midtown Palm Beach P.E.P. Reef installation, twelve months
enclosing the groins cell. An improved geotextile mattress
results. Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida, Coastal and
and scour tube will be placed as underlayment, to mitigate
Oceanographic Engineering Department, UFL/COEL-94/017,
for scour and settlement. The crest height is planned to be
61 p.
BRUNO, M.S.; HERRINGTON, T.O., and RANKIN, K.L., 1996a. The use
at MLW, so at low tide the breakwater structure will be ex-
of artificial reefs in erosion control: results of the New Jersey pilot
posed. It is expected that this shallower position will cause
reef project. In: TATE, L.S. (ed.) Proceedings of the 9th National
more wave breaking and less wave transmission than at the
Conference on Beach Preservation Technology, Florida Shore and
past sites.
Beach Preservation Association, Tallahassee, Florida, pp. 239
K.E., 1996b. Monitoring study of the Beachsaver Reef at Avalon,
New Jersey. Hoboken, New Jersey: Stevens Institute of Technol-
The authors would like to thank Dr. Jonathan C. Gorham,
ogy, Davidson Laboratory, Technical Report SIT-DL-9-96-2739,
Coastal Resource Manager, Indian River County for assis-
106 p.
tance with the Indian River County P.E.P. Reef monitoring.
Mr. J.B. Smith, Dewberry and Davis, formerly of ERDC/CHL
R.E., 1993. Engineering design guidance for detached breakwaters
as shoreline stabilization structures. Technical Report CERC-93-
was the initial P.E.P. Reef principal investigator; Drs. Lee
19, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Coastal
Harris and Garry Zarillo, Division of Marine and Environ-
Engineering Research Center, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 167 p.
mental Systems, Florida Institute of Technology conducted
CHASTEN, M.A.; MCCORMICK, J.W., and ROSATI, J.D., 1994. Using
the P.E.P. Reef scour and wave studies, and Morgan and Eck-
detached breakwaters for shoreline and wetland stabilization.
Shore and Beach, 62(2), 1722.
land Inc, provided beach profile surveys. Dr. Robert Dean and
CRETER, R.E.; GARAFFA, T.D., and SCHMIDT, C.J., 1994. Enhance-
students of the Coastal and Ocean Engineering Department,
ment of beach fill performance by combination with an artificial
University of Florida supplied data on the Midtown Palm
submerged reef system. In: TATE, L.S. (ed.) Proceedings of the 7th
Beach P.E.P. Reef installation and monitoring. Drs. Michael
National Conference on Beach Preservation Technology, Florida
Bruno and Tom Herrington of the Davidson Laboratory, Ste-
Shore and Beach Preservation Association, Tallahassee, Florida,
pp. 6989.
vens Institute of Technology provided data on the Beachsaver
DALLY, W.R. and POPE, J., 1986. Detached breakwaters for shore
Reef installation and monitoring in the three New Jersey pro-
protection. Technical Report CERC-86-1, U. S. Army Engineer Wa-
jects. Mr. Paden Woodruff, Florida Department of Environ-
terways Experiment Station, Coastal Engineering Research Cen-
mental Protection provided additional information on the
ter, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 88 p.
DATTATRI, J.; RAMAN, H., and SHANKAR, N.J., 1978. Performance
Palm Beach County, Florida P.E.P. Reef projects. Support for
characteristics of submerged breakwaters. Proceedings of the 16th
publication of this paper provided by the USACE National
Coastal Engineering Conference, (Hamburg, Germany, ASCE), pp.
Shoreline Erosion Control Development and Demonstration
Program. Mr. Bill Curtis, ERDC/CHL is Principal Investi-
DEAN, R.G. and CHEN, R., 1995a. Performance of the Midtown Palm
gator and provided technical review. Additional funding was
Beach P.E.P. Reef installation, seventeen months results, August
1993 to December 1994. Gainesville, Florida: University of Flori-
provided by Indian River County for their P.E.P. Reef project
da, Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering Department, UFL/
monitoring. Permission to publish was granted by the Chief
COEL-95/004, 49 p.
of Engineers.
DEAN, R.G. and CHEN, R., 1995b. Performance of the Midtown Palm
Beach P.E.P. Reef installation, twenty months results, August
1993 to March 1995. Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida,
Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering Department, UFL/
COEL-95/009, 10 p.
AHRENS, J.P., 1987. Characteristics of reef breakwaters. Technical
DEAN, R.G. and CHEN, R., 1995c. Performance of the Midtown Palm
Report CERC-87-17, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment
Beach P.E.P. Reef installation: twenty-three months results, Au-
Station, Coastal Engineering Research Center, Vicksburg, Missis-
gust 1993 to June 1995. Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida,
sippi, 62 p.
Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering Department, UFL/
AHRENS, J.P. and FULFORD, E.T., 1988. Wave energy dissipation by
COEL-95/016, 51 p.
reef breakwaters, Oceans '88, Marine Technology Society, Wash-
DEAN, R.G. and CHEN, R., 1996. Performance of the Midtown Palm
ington, D.C., pp. 12441249.
Beach P.E.P. Reef installation: final report, July 1992 to June
1995. Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida, Coastal and
project, design development report for Indian River County. Amer-
Oceanographic Engineering Department, UFL/COEL-96/006,
ican Coastal Engineering Inc., West Palm Beach, Florida.
145 p.
ATM, 1996. Town of Palm Beach, mid-town beach restoration pro-
DEAN, R.G.; DOMBROWSKI, M.R., and BROWDER, A.E., 1994a. Pre-
ject. Brochure, Applied Technology and Management, Inc., Gaines-
liminary results from the P.E.P. Reef monitoring project. In: TATE,
ville, Florida.
BASCO, D.R., 2001. Shore protection projects. In: POPE, J. (part ed.),
L.S. (ed.), Proceedings of the 7th National Conference on Beach
Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 19, No. 3, 2003