Table 6
Hoonah Harbor
Hoonah, Alaska
Construction and Rehabilitation History
The project was adopted.
The project was constructed, including a 15.5-acre boat basin, three
rubble-mound breakwaters, and two rubble-mound diversion dikes. The
and 1,507 ft long, and an entrance
main breakwaters were 800
breakwater was 1 0 ft long. The breakwaters were constructed to a
mllw, crest width of 4 5 ft, and side
crest elevation of +24
layer of armor rock, 470 to 7 0 lb,
slopes of 1 :1.5. The
covered a core of quarry spalls. The armor rock extended from the
mllw on the seaward side and for 150 ft back from the
crest to -12
head on the basin side, and to +15 ft mllw over the rest of the
breakwater on the basin side. The diversion dikes were constructed
filter layer and a 3-ft layer
of dredged material covered with a
of rock spalls. The main purpose of the diversion dikes was to pre-
vent ice from entering the basin. Crest elevations were +24
for the south dike and +21 ft mllw for the east dike. A gap was left
between the dikes for circulation in the basin and protection of
salmon fry. Design was based on a 1 percent wave of 4.6 ft,
breaking. The harbor is illustrated in Figure 16; cross sections of
the breakwaters are given in Figure 1 .
An aerial photograph of the harbor is presented in Figure 1 . There
are no reports of needed repairs or rehabilitation.