Table 26
Delaware River and Chesapeake Bay Canal Jetties
Reedy Point, Delaware
Philadelphia District
Construction and Rehabilitation History
Construction of two rubble-mound jetties, north and south of the
canal, was completed to provide channel protection. The length of
ft mlw, crown
each jetty was 725 ft, crest elevations were
widths were 6.0 ft, and side slopes were
Each jetty was extended to 2,095 ft (Figure 32).
The south jetty was removed and replaced by a new jetty to increase
the entrance size to accommodate larger vessels and to improve
navigation safety, The new jetty had a crest elevation of
mlw and a 14.0-ft crown width (Figure 32). The design wave was
6.3 ft, 4.8
The north jetty has subsided, lost stone, and the toe has scoured.