Table 23
Mantua Creek Jetties
Paulsboro, New Jersey
Philadelphia District
Construction and Rehabilitation History
Two jetties were constructed to provide channel protection. Lengths
were 754 ft and 580 ft east and west, respectively. The jetties were
constructed of stone-filled timber cribs, with mat brush placed to
support the stone (Figure 28). Top width and elevation were 12.0 ft
ft mlw, respectively, for each jetty.
The east jetty was extended to 1,577 ft, and the west jetty was
Repairs were made by the addition of stone.
An investigation of the jetties revealed the jetties had settled an
of the offshore end of the
average of 2.0 ft. Approximately 100
east jetty had deteriorated, with most of the pilings gone, and stone
had fallen out to below the waterline. Most of the walings had
deteriorated and were missing. Piles were missing at intermediate
locations along the jetties, but there was no significant loss of
stone at those locations. Piles that remained were in good
The jetties were rehabilitated at a cost of 6,895. A new row of
piles was placed over approximately 100 ft
the offshore ends.
Piles were placed 7.5 ft on either side of the center line of the
jetties. Corestone was dumped between the piles to an elevation of
ft mlw (Figure 2 9 ) . Missing piles were replaced, and new wales
were provided along the remainder of the jetties. One row of cap-
stone was placed on the inner sides of both cribs on top of the
ft mlw. Core stone was filled between the
existing stone to
capstones in the center of the jetties to
mlw (Figure 2 9 ) .
Crown width was 16.0 ft at the offshore ends and 12.0 ft on the re-
mainder of the jetty. Design wave height was 4.2 ft.
Repairs were made to the seaward end of the east jetty at a cost of
The Corps was reimbursed later for this work.
No further repair or maintenance information has been found.