Table 1
Browns Creek Jetties
Sayville, New York
New York District
Construction and Rehabilitation History
Two riprap jetties were constructed east and west of the creek en-
trance. The east jetty was 448 ft long, and the west jetty was
long (Figure 20). Crest elevations were
hw, crown width
was 3.0 ft, and side slopes were
The minimum stone used was
500 lb.
The west jetty was repaired and extended 208 ft (Figure 20). Eleva-
tion of the extension was
ft hw. Nine hundred eighty one cubic
yards of rock was used for repair and extension.
The outer 213 ft of the west jetty was repaired. Minimum capstone
and slope stone was 2.0 tons, and core stone was 15 lb to 1.5 tons.
ft mlw,
The crest elevation was raised over the entire jetty to
crown width was 4.0 ft, and side slopes were
A survey indicated the jetties were deteriorated. Almost all stones
were displaced on the west jetty, and there were numerous openings in
the structure. Most of the stones were shifted out of place on the
east jetty. Almost half of the jetty was breached and was not visi-
ble at mean low water. The jetties were rehabilitated over the en-
tire lengths in 1963 using 4,000 tons of stone at a cost of ,000.
ft mlw, crown width was 6.0 ft, and side
Crest elevations were
slopes were
15-lb to 1.5-ton core stone was used. The design wave was 5.0
6.0 ft.
No further repair or maintenance information has been found. The
project has been deauthorized.