Table 3 (Continued)
Construction and Rehabilitation History
In January 1947 a storm with an estimated deepwater wave height of
26 ft damaged 350
of the seaward end of the west breakwater.
Repair work was undertaken, but no details were found.
In October 1947 a storm damaged both breakwaters and caused a
day delay of repairs resulting from the January
Damages to the west breakwater included (a) 696 ft of road and
of cap and core stone washed
turnarounds washed away,
away at the head (this repair already had been completed), and
(c) 20 ft of core rock washed away on a section where repairs were
incomplete. Damages to the east breakwater included: (a) 766 ft
of road washed away and
of rock washed away on the trunk
section. The total material lost was 4,400 tons of cap stone and
core stone.
In January 1952 the seaward ends of both breakwaters experienced
minor damage. No details were found.
March 1954 a north swell with hindcasted deepwater sig-
nificant wave height of 26 ft caused estimated breaking wave
ft at the structures. Damage was extensive to
heights of
and 300 ft of the seaward ends of the east and west break-
waters, respectively. Capstone and slope stone (8 tons) were
dislodged, and core material was washed down to an elevation of
approximately -6.0 ft mllw. This damage initiated action to begin
basing repair work on current design criteria rather than simply
restoring damaged sections to their original conditions.
Repairs of damage caused by the March 1954 storm were completed
(Figures and 7). Head repairs consisted of a double layer of
seaward slope and a
33-ton unreinforced tetrapods on a
landward slope. Two layers of tetrapods also were ex-
tended 250
down the sea side-of the west breakwater trunk, and
the core of both was capped with 2
of concrete.
was placed. To prevent encroachment of
of 400
A total
the structures on the entrance channel, the breakwaters were
slope was used on the inboard
shortened slightly, and a
quadrant of the armor wraparound on the breakwater heads. The
total cost of repairs was
(Sheet 2 of