Table 53
Portage Lake Harbor Piers
Portage Lake, Michigan
Construction and Rehabilitation History
Construction of a 1,149-ft-long north pier and a 383-ft-long south
was completed during this
time. The lakeward end of the north pier was built with
stone-filled, timber cribs (Figure 150, Section B) on a stone base.
The south pier and the shoreward end of the north pier consisted of
woodpilings with a stone fill.
The north pier was extended lakeward by
tion A ) , and the south pier was extended 900 ft (Figure 149, Sec-
tions A and B.
The lakeward 200 ft of each pier consisted of 30-ft-
wide stone-filled timber cribs (Figure 150, Section A) built on a
stone base. The trunk portion of the south pier was similar except
150, Sections C, E,
about 18 to 24 ft
and F) were rebuilt with woodpilings spaced from
apart and filled with stone. Concrete and stone
superstructures were
constructed along the entire length of each pier
(Ffgure 150) to a
crest el of
ft lwd.
Riprap stone was placed around the heads of the north and south piers
(Figure 149, Section A during this period,
and stone fill
was re-
plenished at various areas along both piers. After replenishment,
the concrete caps were repaired.
An inspection of the site indicated the piers were, in general, in
fair condition, Settlement and cracking of the superstructure and
fill stone loss indicate some substructure deterioration. Replenish-
ment with large fill stone has been recommended along with additional
riprap installation, An aerial view of Portage Lake Harbor piers is
shown in Figure 151.