Table 42
New Buffalo Harbor Breakwaters
New Buffalo, Michigan
Construction and Rehabilitation History
Construction of two breakwaters totaling 2,045 ft in length (Fig-
ure 108) was
completed at the
mouth of the Galien River.
The outer
480 ft of the north
breakwater (Figures 108 and 109, Reach-A) con-
sisted of a rubble-mound structure with a crest el of
a width of 12 ft. Armor stone ranged from 1 to 16 tons (12-ton
average). The adjacent shoreward portion of the north breakwater and
the outer end of the south breakwater (Figures 108 and 109, Reach B)
consisted of a rubble-mound structure with a crest width of 1 ft and
ft lwd. Armor stone on this portion of the breakwater
an el of
ranged from 5 to 10 tons (6-ton average). The adjacent shoreward
portions of both structures (Figures 108 and 109, Reach C) involved a
rubble-mound breakwater with a crest el of
and a crest
width of 8 ft. Armor stone ranged from 3 to 5 tons
The adjacent shoreward portions of the breakwaters (Figures 108 and
109, Reach D) included a rubble-mound structure with a crest el of
ft and a crest width of 6 ft. Armor stone ranged from 2 to
4 tons (3-ton average). All rubble-mound portions of the breakwaters
The inner ends of both breakwaters
had side slopes of
(Figure 108, Reach E) consisted of vertical steel sheetpiling with
ft lwd. Riprap was placed on each side of the sheet-
an el of
piling for toe protection. The breakwater configuration was model
and Wilson 1967).
tested prior to construction
of the structures at the site indicated that voids
existed in the outer reach (Reach A) of the north breakwater and
minor Settlement had occurred, particularly around the head of the
structure adjacent to the navigation lights. The remaining portion
of the rubble-mound north breakwater also consisted of many voids
with some stones deteriorating (cracking or crumbling into smaller
outer portion of the south breakwater (Reaches B and
C , although in better condition than the north structure, also had
experienced some settlement and contained some gaps where waves
the structure was noted. The inner portion of the
breakwaters was in good condition.
Stone was placed in the voids of the outer portions of each
breakwater (Reaches A and B, north breakwater, and Reach B, south
breakwater,,Figure 1 8 . A site inspection in the latter part of the
year revealed that some of the smaller stone (used to fit the voids)
had washed out. Voids in the trunk sections of the breakwater
(Reaches C and D, north structure, and Reach C, south structure)
still existed along with settlement of 1 to 2 ft in some areas.
The structures are presently considered in fair condition.
Maintenance repairs of the breakwater have been recommended but not
yet implemented.