Grand Traverse Bay Harbor Structures
Grand Traverse Bay, Michigan
Construction and Rehabilitation History
Construction of two piers at the site (Figure 39) progressed during
this time. The north pier was 707 ft long, and the south pier was
567 ft long. The shoreward portions of the piers (Figures 39 and 40,
Sections D and E were built with steel sheet pile at an el of
ft lwd. They were backfilled with sand except at the top where
a rock surface was installed. The
section of the north
pier at the water's edge (Figures 39 and 40, Section C) was a sand-
filled sheet-pile structure. It was 12 ft wide with an el of
l w d . The structure was capped with 2-ton (minimum) stone and 3-ton
(minimum) stone placed on the lakeside to an el of approximately
ft lwd. A 307-ft-long section of the north pier, and the lake-
ward portion of the south pier (Figures 39 and 40, Section
built with steel sheetpiling. The structure was sand filled with a
concrete cap installed at an el of
ft lwd. The pier was 11.5 ft
wide, and stone toe protection was included. The outer end of the
north pier (Figures 39 and 40, Section A) was of similar construction
except it was capped with 2-ton (minimum) stone at an el of
ft lwd
and was 14.5 ft wide.
Construction of a 164-ft-long north pier extension was completed
(Figures 39 and 40, Section F. Cellular steel sheet piles with
diameters of 37.3 ft were used. These cells were sand filled with
2-ft-thick rock (filled with grout) caps. The el of the cellular
ft lwd, and stone toe protection was installed on
structures was
the lakeward side.
A 180-ft-long cellular sheet-pile north breakwater extension was com-
An inspection of the piers indicated that repairs were needed on the
cap of the north pier at the intersection of the cell and Section A.
Additional repairs were needed on the outer three cell caps.
The north pier caps, identified in need of repair in 1979, were
An inspection of the structures revealed that the cap on the south
pier had settled as much as 6 in. in some areas. The outer cell of
the north pier also had settled (up to 14 in.) and had several large
cracks. Additional riprap stone also was required at Section C.
Repairs to the structures were subsequently made.
The piers presently are in good condition. An aerial view of Grand
Traverse Bay Harbor structures is shown in Figure 41.