Table 32 (Concluded)
Construction and Rehabilitation History
During Hurricane Frederick (September 12) approximately 50 ft of
material flanking the weir was lost, forming a channel between the
weir and the beach. Three sections of the concrete sheetpiling were
dislodged. Dredged materials were used to close the breach and as
beach fill to the east of the weir.
A survey of the east jetty rubble-mound section (seaward of the
weir) in February showed substantial l o s s of material (with respect
to the design section) on two sections, the landward 175 ft and a
section centered 100 ft behind the seaward end. Crest eleva-
ft mlw. On the
tions on the landward section ranged from
seaward section the crest elevations ranged from -1 to
ft mlw.
(The majority of material in this section was missing from the sea-
ward side slope.) The remaining sections were from
ft mlw.
In 1981 the jetty was rehabilitated, and in addition a rubble-mound
section 200 ft long was added to the then existing landward end of
the sheet-pile weir (centered approximately 300 ft from the original
landward end of the 1,000-ft weir section). The repairs brought the
jetty up to the existing cross-section geometry using 5- to 10-ton
cover stone on the transition and head sections. (Although the ori-
ginal design called for 5- to 12-ton and 12- to
cover stone
on these sections, smaller stone was used to fill in void spaces and
provide better interlocking.) Cover stone (3- to 5-tons) was used
on the trunk section. The rubble-mound weir modification design
section was identical to the east jetty trunk design section.
The jetties are presently in good condition.
(Sheet 3 of 3 )