Construction and Rehabilitation History
Date ( s )
providing for insufficient impounding capacity. Shoaling in the
vicinity of the weir apparently resulted from inadequate maintenance
of the deposition basin, which had only been dredged once
(287,000 cu yd removed in 1972).
The report recommended closing the
weir section of the west jetty since the net littoral drift was, in
fact, from east to west to reduce the shoaling in the inner channel
areas caused by westward littoral drift passing through the weir
The weir section of the west jetty was modified with the placement
of a rubble-mound trunk section identical to the trunk section used
in the original design (except that the blanket stone was to have a
minimum thickness of 1 ft directly over the sheet piles and 2.5 ft
thick elsewhere as called for in the original design). Estimated
volumes of blanket, core, and cover stone were 5,300, 1,500, and
4,600 cu yd, respectively. At present, toe stability problems exist
and have been documented with video footage of scour along the toe
of the east jetty. Otherwise, the jetties are in good condition.
(Sheet 4 of 4 )
Figure 53.
East Pass, Florida