Construction and Rehabilitation History
827 tons of rock and 96 cu yd of concrete were placed to repair
breaches in jetties. The efforts to reinforce the sheet pile with
riprap failed, and erosion shoreward of the jetty wings continued,
making further shoreward extensions of the jetties necessary. The
cost of repairs, as of 1 July, was $ 7 4 , 6 0 0 (FY 3 5 ) . The 31 July
hurricane severely damaged the jetties. The average crest elevation
ft mlw, and considerable erosion occurred,
of the jetty wings was
especially along the west jetty wing.
Sheet pile ( 2 5 9 lin
was placed along the shore near the west
jetty wing, and 7 , 6 0 0 sq ft of sheet pile was salvaged from damaged
bulkheads. Including preparations for jetty repairs and maintenance
dredging, the total cost, through 30 June 1937 (FY
$ 1 5 9 , 3 0 0 . Repairs to jetties (including the wings) were made with
hot asphaltic concrete and precast reinforced asphaltic concrete
asphaltic mats extended 24 ft from the toe of
mats. The
the jetties and were anchored at the toe with precast asphaltic con-
crete blocks. The mats were consolidated with the existing jetty
section by placing hot asphaltic concrete to form an impermeable
section with a top width of 8 ft and elevation of
mlw. The
east and west jetty wings were extended 210 and 270 ft, respec-
tively. These extensions were made by grading sand slopes and
covering with 2 layers of asphaltic mat. Steel sheet-pile retaining
were placed along the inner ends of the
walls ( 1 0 , 3 0 0 sq
jetties. Asphaltic mats ( 1 6 7 , 0 0 0 sq
and 25,870 tons of asphal-
tic hot mix and blocks were placed on various sections of the
jetties, The cost of the jetty repairs plus maintenance dredging
through 30 June 1938
3 7 ) was $ 4 6 9 , 7 0 0 .
In 1939 the east and west jetty wings were extended 110 and 400 ft,
respectively. These extensions and additional repairs were carried
out by placing 1 , 4 6 5 and 1 , 5 4 0 tons of stone on the east and west
wings, respectively. A 200-ft-long west jetty cross wall was con-
structed by placing 205 tons of stone. Although no details were
available, the 100-ft-long east jetty cross wall was probably con-
structed about this time. An additional 820 and 2 , 3 7 0 tons of rip-
rap and cover stone were placed on the west jetty during 1940- 41
repair work. A total of 1 1 , 2 0 0 sq ft of steel sheet pile was sal-
vaged as part of the jetty repair work. The c o s t of the 1939 jetty
repairs and maintenance dredging was $ 5 0 , 4 0 0 and of the 1940- 1941
jetty repairs was $ 3 5 , 9 0 0 .
The east jetty wing was extended 570 ft using 1 , 3 8 0 and 3 , 1 6 0 tons
of riprap and cover stone, respectively. The west jetty wing was
extended 400 ft using 640 and 2 , 0 3 0 tons of riprap and cover stone,
respectively. The design cross section (Figure 4 8 , inset) had a
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